Thank you so much for visiting our brand new site! We are super excited to bring Raven Crest Botanicals online and to make our products, CSA shares, and herbal wisdom accessible to a larger community.
Check out the info for our 2013 CSA shares on the home page. Green medicine CSA shares are a really nice way to get to know herbal medicine and its benefits by exploring a few new herbal product every months. You will learn when and how to best use them and by the end of the year your green medicine cabinet will be fully stocked and you can kiss your drug store good bye.
Stay tuned for more info and pictures from the farm during natural building projects, planting season, harvests, and product creations. We will post recipes for easy to make home made herbal remedies and educational info about medicinal plants that we grow or wild craft on our land.
Enjoy, explore, and expect more to come!
Green blessings,
Susanna Raeven